Monday, June 13, 2011

Lotion for Elephants

Well since we moved here we decided the boys would go straight into a toddler bed. It was going really well for the first two days they were laying down and waking up with now issues. Well day 3 we laid them down for a nap and I had to go in a few time and get them back in bed. It got quiet so I thought I'd check to make sure all were sleeping and crack the door. I walk in to find Joshua standing in the second drawer of the changing table and Jacob standing next to him both boys COVERED from head to toe in lotion and Joshua looks at me and says "Elephant needs lotion" The lamp on his dresser has an elephant on it and apparently he thought he was dry. The changing table is nice and shiny now and the boys smelled like shea butter lotion for the rest of the day. I wish I had my camera to catch this toddler moment, but I didnt. It was hysterical. I just laughed I couldnt even get mad at them.

We are getting settled into our new house. I hope to blog more. I have some catching up to do with my 7 on the 7th. Things have been crazy around here and we are just getting settled in before widmar takes off to the desert again.