Sunday, November 13, 2011

Drive Thru Blessing

I just wanted to share a story with you today...

I was having an off day. We went to church and then headed out to Lowes to run some errands (get a grill cover before it snows). I was feeling kind of blah and decided i didnt want to deal with lowes and the boys and all of that so I went to turn around and go home. I ALWAYS stop at starbucks. I actually think my car automatically goes there if I am out in that direction. Today I was having an internal battle about going. I didnt really NEED it and we are trying to save money. God told me to bless someone with it. I have done this before usually on Fridays which was started in Georgia by some radio station. So off I went to the starbucks drive thru and paid for the girl behind me. I didnt stick around I drove off after paying. When I got home I had an email in my inbox from a girl who saw my Thirty-One sticker on the back of the van (which sometimes I forget is even there) and looked up my information. Her dad died of cancer a year ago today. She was having an awful day and her heart was hurting. She thanked me for the small amount of Joy she had in the day.

So maybe next time you are sitting in the starbucks (insert random drive thru place here) and you have the means to do so bless the person behind you. Maybe make Fridays drive thru Blessing Fridays for you and your family. You never know what that person behind you is going through or what kind of day they are having.

Monday, November 7, 2011

7 on the 7th

This month's 7 on the 7th is your top 7 websites you visit. I have been a little off the last couple months so I'm trying to get back into the blog world. So here goes...

1. Facebook: I used to be anti facebook. I didnt like it because I just felt like there was so much drama and people unloading their business on it. HOWEVER I have come to love it. It is by far the best way for me to keep in touch with family and friends from all over. It is a huge blessing and if it wasnt for facebook I am not sure I would be in contact with half the people I am. Its a fast way for me to pray for people that need praying, encourage people that need encouraging, cry with people, etc. I really think its wonderful.

2. Gmail: I use email for everything. It's my number 1 way of communication with Widmar. I'm so grateful that technology has come as far as it has. I'm not sure what the wives did back in the day when they would not hear from their husbands for 1-3 years except through an occasional hand written letter (if that).

3. Pinterest: I LOVE this site. I have gotten so many wonderful ideas and recipes from this site. What a great way to organize all of your ideas. It's fun to look at everyones style too

4. Blogger: I love reading everyone's blogs its a great way to catch up on families and I just love reading what everyone writes especially friends from all over.

5. Thirty-One: I am ALWAYS on the Thirty-One consultant page with new trainings announcements, etc. I have been really working on trying to "boost my business" So I spend a lot of time on this site.

6. USAA: our bank accounts, insurance, etc are with them so i'm always checking to make sure things are well in our financial world. :)

7. Google: :) I google everything from recipes to answers to crazy medical questions where i learn i might lose my whole leg for a small rash I have. :) It's sort of funny what you can learn when you google things. It's not always great and can send me into panic mode. I have to step back and not research medical questions for that reason, but it is great to use for searching for recipes etc. :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Take on Halloween

So this post may upset some of my Christian friends and family, but this is a place for me to openly share what I think. I will however accept comments and criticism if you want to share it If you are easily offended I would turn away now.

There is a lot of chastising going on regarding Halloween. I do agree it did start out as a Pagan celebration revolving around evil, however I don't believe that is the case today. Although some may still do this, I have yet to meet any of these said "Satan worshippers who only come out on this one day" As a responsible parent I will

1. make sure I explain to my children that halloween is a fun time to be with family and friends and get candy...nothing more nothing less. Its a time to use your imagination be a doctor for a day, be a firefighter, be a monkey. :) If it is a big concern for you then why don't you take the opportunity to hand out candy that you have wrapped with a bible verse, or pencils with something professing Christ's love. God didn't steer clear of sinners he faced them head on. He showed them love not hatred. He didn't bad mouth them. He showed them love sometimes tough love, but still love. He immersed himself with them so that He could love them. (just a sidenote I'm not saying people that participate in halloween are sinners, some people do think this)

2. This is a preference of mine but I will not allow my children to wear "scary' costumes. I want it to be fun and creative.

Along with all of this i typically find alternative things to do for this "holiday" such as go to the Boo at the Zoo or maybe a church fall festival. Safe alternatives for younger children. We will continue before and after to discuss with our children about God and His love for us and how He is the only God.

I have a hard time understanding why we can wake up on November 1 and put a costume on and run around the house or maybe go to the store (you know those kids...the ones that wont take their costumes off for days/weeks) You might call this dress up? Me too! Halloween is no different than any other day. We just get a little extra candy, which by the way gets donated to some wonderful organization or soldiers deployed overseas. I love watching my boys with their monkey costumes on thinking they can swing from trees and pretending, what a wonderful sense of imagination in their little two year old selves. I jump all around with them and we pretend to eat lots of bananas. (what wonderful family fun)

We have had lots of wonderful family time, painting pumpkins, carving pumpkins, going to the cider mill, playing at the zoo in our monkey costumes, participating in the parade at preschool in our monkey costumes. On top of that can you imagine that if it was in fact a day to worship satan which i don't think it is. Maybe it once WAS, but the operative word is WAS. Can you imagine how mad Satan is when there are Christians loving on others on this day and having fun and smiling and proclaiming His love to other people. So here lets do this, lets make Satan mad tomorrow. Share a blessing with people tomorrow when those cute little furry kids come running to your door. Make Satan mad :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today, September 11, 2011, marks 10 years since the attacks on our country. As I watched the news today between multiple episodes of blues clues and Diego I wanted to express what I was feeling but wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to say. I am not an eloquent writer and I don't have a way with words. I was saddened by the loss of the thousands from that day and as I was on Facebook the Fort Drum website came up with two more soldiers that were killed in action this week in Afghanistan.

I was a senior in HS and I remember after the first plane hit the TVs were on in every classroom. I had made it to my computer class and as a class we watched the second plane hit the tower. I remember crying a little and not knowing exactly what to think. i was young and didn't really understand exactly what had just happened to our country. I had friends at school whose dads and moms worked at the pentagon and were desperately trying to get a hold of them. That was my concern that day. Our lives as military kids changed that day. Dance practice that started at 7am we had to leave at 5:30am because it took that long to get in the gates. Again i didn't understand. I went off to college where I led your typical college life for the first year and then I met this guy. This Army guy. Who went to West Point who loved the army and wanted to be in the Infantry. We talked and I asked a lot of questions. Again I didn't REALLY understand. And then we dated. I learned what his ambitions were. I learned why he was in the Army. We visited NYC. I, wait for it....fell in love with this soon to be Army Officer. I was starting to understand. We talked about what life would be like to be married to someone in the military during this time of war. How fast they would deploy, how much training they would endure, how much time we would be apart. (this wasn't totally communicated) :) Next thing I know, there I was, a new Army bride. Proud of my soldier and proud to be his wife. Off we went on our honeymoon to Fort Riley, Kansas where he had to get back to work because they were training for a deployment. A deployment that would last 15 LONG months. 15 long months of losing friends and soldiers. I went to memorial after memorial of soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. To protect us of our freedoms. I shed many tears wondering if I would get to see my own soldier again. I finally understood.

Since then we have endured a few shorter deployments and we are now on another long deployment. Today as I watched the memorial ceremonies take place I wanted to remember I wanted to be reminded of that day. It serves as a reminder to all of us what our military members are fighting for. Many tears were shed today for those families as I watched young kids who were only babies and toddlers when their parent was killed on that day and they are grown up some of them young adults making their parents proud.

I think of the two soldiers from Widmar's unit whose lives were lost this week to this war and the many soldiers that gave the ultimate sacrifice so that something like the 9-11 attacks does not happen again. I am proud to be an American today. I have never been more proud to serve alongside my soldier, my own personal hero. I am grateful for all of those who have sacrificed so that our country may be a safer place. I am in prayer tonight for those who are still grieving the loss of their family members that were killed 10 years ago today. God bless them and help them find peace today and in the coming days. I hope they know that their loved ones will not be forgotten.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day

My brother came in last week and spent 6 whole days with us. It was a blast. Jamie and Matt drove in Friday and we spent the weekend with them. We went down to the lake and swam a lot and got to take a couple of "goat" rides. The boys occasionally say goat still for boat. It has been adopted by all at my aunt and uncles lake house. Its pretty funny. I do however use the word correctly when talking to the boys. They can say boat now I think they think its funny when others say goat. They have a funny sense of humor at such a young age. they always crack me up. We took uncle Shaky (T9 ricky in your phone it says shaky) :) to our favorite cracker barrel for breakfast this morning. Apparently he has been deprived of this and we had a blast. Then we sent him on his way back to Texas. It was a blast having him here.

Now its back to lonely nights. One of the many downfalls from a deployment. When kids are in bed the nights can be lonely. I try to keep myself busy. :) We have a busy month planned. I am starting back up with my Thirty-One stuff and I am working on every certification the army offers to spouses. (funds custodian, FRG leaders, care team, etc etc.) It keeps me pretty busy.

My heart is joyful tonight. This weekend was fabulous and I feel so blessed that I was able to have everyone here and we were able to spend some quality sibling/family time together. Can't wait for it to happen again.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rainy day

I need to get better about putting pictures in here I would like to know how to do the collage things. Those would be great (dion if you are reading this tutorial would be GREAT). :)

Today we had a lazy lazy day. Not even the stay in your jammies and sweats and do housework kind of a day, but a really lazy day. The boys played together pretty well all day and I got a lot of reading done that i've been wanting to do. I also played trains and "make mountains out of blankets" with them. But really we just snuggled a lot and watched some cartoons along the day too. It was great! There is something to be said in rejuvinating and taking time to do nothing but be with your family and just enjoy the peace of the day. It truly was a wonderfully blessed day. So I will thank Irene for my lazy day. I happened to think it was freezing today haha It was 55/60*, but thats cold compared to what I am used to.

Back to the grind tomorrow. I'm attempting 4 miles i think if its not raining and overly flooded outside. We will see. I pray everyone is safe tonight and that you have a wonderfully blessed week!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


My concoctions so far...

carrots, apple, cucumber, DELICIOUS
Honeydew, cantalope, pineapple, strawberries DELICOUS
Swiss Chard, cucumber, cauliflower, apple, celery....too much celery, but it was also very good

I think everyone needs a juicer. :)

also a fun fact for the day...when you tell someone that you are "juicing" that means you are on steroids. Thanks Widmar for that little piece of advice. :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I just bought a juicer. I am SUPER excited to use it. I want to go buy tons of fruits and veggies right now. It's 9:30pm and the boys didnt nap today and have been in bed since 7. I'm not thinking I'm going tonight, but stay tuned I'm sure i'll have some good and bad juice stories. Anyone have a juicer? Good recipes? Please share!! :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So yesterday we went to McDonalds (healthy I know) But the play group we are apart of here met up there and we went. The boys were great sat and ate all their food and played. UNTIL we had to leave. Joshua was ready to go, Jacob...not so much. I had to climb into the playplace and drag him...yes you read that right, DRAG him out of the playhouse. Then carry him kicking and screaming through the mcdonalds (because its unsafe to put a door in the playplace). Needless to say I was feeling as though I had failed as a parent at that moment. I was dreading that evening because we had a "kid friendly" FRG meeting that we had to go to. The boys napped for 45 min and I was SURE it was going to be a nightmare. But off we went packed with magnadoodles and popcorn. The boys were PERFECT. I don't have perfect kids, and i am far from a perfect parent, but for those 2 hours they really were perfect. In their stroller the whole time with no crying, no fussing, no trying to get out. People around were amazed at their ability to behave. I wanted to tell them that not 6 hours ago it did not look this pleasant. I was so proud of them as we were walking out of there. Mainly because kids were running everywhere, which was perfectly fine, but mine sat and chatted with me and whoever else managed to land at our little table. It was great. I got them home and in bed and I was at a loss for words at how our day went. I was mortified when we left mcdonalds yet beeming when I left the FRG meeting.
I am reminded today of how much God loves us even when He has to drag us kcking and screaming through things when we dont want to do and how proud of us He must be when we give him the glory and act in obedience to Him. How great it is to be a parent and get to beam with joy for our children, it far outweighs the negative times.
Today and everyday when maybe the kids arent acting just how YOU think they should act. Look for the good. Praise the good. And LOVE like He loves us when we are kicking and screaming.

Friday, August 12, 2011

7 on the 7th...Free time

I am a little late for 7 on the 7th, but the day I tried to sit down and type this Blogger was not working correctly. So each month my friend Amanda started the 7 on the 7th. There's one topic and we all blog about it. (if you are interested in doing this leave a comment and I will have you added to the list).

This months topic is what we do in our free time...which is funny because general consensus is we dont have much free time

1.) read. I love reading and I wish I had more time to do it. My book list is very long right now and I'd like to get caught up, but when I go to bed at night I'm just too tired. I love all kinds of books. Right now I am reading Decision Points by George Bush and next is the Jaycee Dugard story or the help...not sure which one is next yet. :)

2.) Working out. I love to go to the gym. I think running long distances is boring, but if i can hop on a treadmill or an elliptical and lift weights and lately I have been into CrossFit workouts (they are faster and give me more free time to shower peacefully before picking up the boys). :) This is a huge stress relief for me, I would spend ore time at the gym if I had the opportunity, but I take what I can get these days.

3.) Cooking. I dont ALWAYS love to cook sometimes I just throw something quick together so that we can eat, but I do love to try new recipes especially when Widmar is home.

4.) Surf the web. I do this a lot, whether it be facebook, email, pinterest, new recipes, etc. At night I often find myself doing this after the boys are in bed.

5.) Triathlons. I think they are fun even though I am not very good at them. But it's finding the time to train enough for them that holds me back right now. I think when Widmar comes back next year we will train for them.

6.) watch movies at the theater and on netflix. My movie theater days are few and far between, but i love to watch new movies. We have netflix so I usually add movies to my list so I can watch it as soon as i comes out.

7.) crafts. mainly diaper cakes and scrapbooks. I love to make diaper cakes. I have made a few for my good friends and I love it. its really my only creative outlet these days. :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Potty Training

Warning and a disclaimer (the word poop is used and there is talk of bodily parts and functions) Stop reading now if this is offensive.

I often find myself these days asking God why he did not create babies to automatically know to go on the potty. We are showing some interest in the potty and by some I mean VERY little. And usually in the form of procrastinating sleeping. (this is new and annoying) :) my boys have always always always gone down good for me and lately jacob has not and now he uses having to "poop on the potty" as an excuse to not go to bed.
I have been witness to and even helped potty train other children (girls) and boys are way different. By way different I mean when I say are you going to go poop on the potty and you pull really hard on the other end to squeeze it out i dont even know what to do with you. I actually think my words were. "Where in the world is your daddy".
3 is not too late to potty train right? (When daddy comes home). :) Just sayin!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

7 on the 7th-my collections

Ok I am back in the blogging world hopefully. A couple months ago my friend Amanda ( I can not figure out how to input the address of her page, but it's in my following/stalker section) started the 7 on the 7th. This month is things we collect, purposefully and not purposefully. So, here goes...(some of these were a stretch, i dont know 7 things off the top of my head that i collect)

1. Willow Tree figurines. I have got them as gifts from others and my parents are continuing my collection to the nativity scene. I know people dont like them because they dont have faces (jamie) but I think they are beautiful.

2. Where the Sidewalk ends books. I have all of them and the added extra one.

3. Hangers...I'm not sure what happened, but we could fill every closet in our house with hangers. Te plastic ones that come in many colors, yea we have hundreds...maybe thousands. If you need hangers just ask I'll send you some. A ridiculous collection, and not at all purposeful, i'm not sure how it happend really, but it carried over into baby hangers too because we have too many of those too.

4. cute little boy clothes...I can't help myself. I love the little man look. If we have A girl we will be in big trouble I think.

5. tshirts from races. Widmar and I have done many races between us. We both have a hard time throwing them away. We managed between the two of us to pick only one each of most of them.

6. childrens books. I started this before we had kids and have added to it significantly in the past years. Many people help with this collect, my mom being the main person. Friends of the family have also contributed, as the boys get a lot of books for Christmas and birthdays.

7. and no surprise to most of you bags and totes. It's a little ridiculous actually, but it comes with the territory. Thirty-One has such cute stuff I just can't help myself. And i always get suckered into the ones at the grocery stores. :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lotion for Elephants

Well since we moved here we decided the boys would go straight into a toddler bed. It was going really well for the first two days they were laying down and waking up with now issues. Well day 3 we laid them down for a nap and I had to go in a few time and get them back in bed. It got quiet so I thought I'd check to make sure all were sleeping and crack the door. I walk in to find Joshua standing in the second drawer of the changing table and Jacob standing next to him both boys COVERED from head to toe in lotion and Joshua looks at me and says "Elephant needs lotion" The lamp on his dresser has an elephant on it and apparently he thought he was dry. The changing table is nice and shiny now and the boys smelled like shea butter lotion for the rest of the day. I wish I had my camera to catch this toddler moment, but I didnt. It was hysterical. I just laughed I couldnt even get mad at them.

We are getting settled into our new house. I hope to blog more. I have some catching up to do with my 7 on the 7th. Things have been crazy around here and we are just getting settled in before widmar takes off to the desert again.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

New York, New Things

I will be back soon. We finally found a place and are moving in on Thursday. I will be updating soon! Lots of new things going on in the Roman house!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When I Grow Up

It's the 7 on the 7th topic for this month...TOp 7 things i want to be when I grow up (starting as a child). I say starting as a child because as a child I can remember only wanting to be 3 things. Since I think i'd like to add some more to the list. 1.) A Teacher: I have always always always wanted to teach. More specifically I would like to be a special education teacher. I still want to do this. I went to school for what felt like a long time and I would love to go back for my masters soon. I know that I will be back in the classroom one day. 2.) A Mommy: This is why #1 is not happening at the moment. I wouldnt trade it for the world though. I have two wonderful little boys and we hope to have more in the near future. I couldnt be more blessed with this "job" and I am amazed at what it teaches me every single day. 3.) A Doctor: I can remember in 6th or 7th grade saying I wanted to be a doctor. I think it was because the boy I liked wanted to be a doctor. But after thinking about it I could never be a doctor. 1. I am far too emotional and 2. I'm not loving how much schooling/training they do. 4.) Successful Business Owner: If you would have asked me about this a year ago I would have never brought it up. However, since I have been with Thirty-One and had my own business I LOVE it. And sucess to me in this case is not defined by how many people on my team or how much money I make a month. It's on meeting women and sharing my faith all while showing some really great products. I'm no evangelist I am not good at approaching and unless I very clearly heard God calling my name to go stand on a street corner to proclaim his word you wont see me there. That is so far outside my comfort zone. However get a group of women together and throw some purses out there and I can tell you what God's doing in my life and what he can do in yours. 5.) Also in the mommy category: we would love to adopt one day. (i dont have a label for this) This is something I have always wanted to do and was even brought up in conversation before Widmar and I ever got married. 6.) I want to be Patch Adams: After seeing that movie I would love that job. I would be very emotional at the loss of someone, BUT I would love to make them smile. Spend time with them, make their dreams come true. Put funny masks on or clown noses and bed pans on your head and run around with kids. 7.) Own my own Christian camp: I would love for it to be handicap accessible for all disabilities. After working at camp for so many years this is something I wanted to do for a long time. I dont know if it is God's plan for Widmar and I to own our own camp, but it does sound like fun to me. For now I will enjoy being a mommy and maybe I will be able to start my masters so that when the kids are all in school I can go back and teach. I wouldnt trade what I'm doing right now for anything.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The Rain that is! Today the boys and I sang Rain Rain go away so we can go out and play! I dont mind a good rain, but i would like it if it wasnt EVERY day. Boys are mad they cant go outside and have picnics at lunch time and go play after nap. They are cranksters! Which occasionally makes me a little cranky too. Looking forward to the sunshine. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

my love

Although I wish we would have gotten all dressed up for a real date, it was nice to be get all dressed fancied and go across the street to Riverside (the Commanding Generals house) and mingle with people for a bit. Not much mingling really it was very crowded, BUT it was nice seeing my handsome man all dressed up!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Relay For Life

I try to do the relay for life with my family as much as possible. Our constant moving around and Widmar's insane schedule does not always allow. This year we will not be able to make it to Texas for the relay for life because we will be on our way to NY. I am however still apart of the team and am hosting a fundraiser to raise money for the american cancer society. Before I tell you what the fundraiser is, let me tell you why I do the relay for life.

First, its fun! If you have never done a relay for life event you really should. It's a blast! You get a team together and you take turn walking all night long. There is entertainment, games, food, lots of fun had by all.

The real reason I do it is because cancer has affected my family personally. I posted awhile back about my feelings on cancer and how awful I think it is and how I find myself questioning God frequently about why people are diagnosed with cancer because it is so ugly. My mom had ovarian cancer and I believe we are coming up on 15 years of her being cancer free! GO MOM!!! I walk for my mom! I raise money for my mom and all the other people out there that i know that have been affected by cancer in some way. (which I know a lot of people that have been) Next year I can guarantee that I will be out walking in Watertown NY for the relay for life (maybe this year too if we make it in time).

Here's how you can help. GET INVOLVED is number 1. Find a relay for life near you. Form a team and raise money.

Ways to help: as most of you know I sell Thirty-One. I have set up a few things to help raise money for the Relay for Life Team

1. I am selling raffle tickets 1 for $5 and 3 for $10. I will raffle off the Exclusive Hostess Rolling Tote in Black. You can purchase tickets anytime between now and March 30.

2. Any order that is placed under the Relay for Life Party on my website I will donate my entire paycheck from that party to The team. If you place an order you get your name put in a hat for free products as well. Go here to Order:

3. You can donate straight to the Relay for Life Team. If you do this way I will put tickets in the hat for the rolling luggage. (this makes it easy for you to take part in the raffle if you live far away. Same applies 2 for $5 or 5 for $10 (and up from there)

Thank you in advance for your support! I am hoping one day there will be a cure for some of these cancers. Remember to keep those who are fighting cancer in your prayers!

Today I find myself thinking of my grandparents. I have lost 3 grandparents to cancer. One was just this last year. I miss them with all of my heart and they are another reason I participate in the relay for life.

Monday, March 14, 2011

6 weeks

5 weeks (or so) until packers come and less than 6 weeks til we are out of Georgia and on our way to NY. Although I have taken a laid back give it to God kind of approach to this move...we still have a lot to do and a lot going on for us in this small ammount of time. That coupled with my emotions of leaving my dear friends is making my heart ache. :( Today I think I will enjoy the day with my kids, tomorrow I will start arranging my do not pack stuff.

I'm working on putting new pics on here, it takes me like a year because I dont know what i'm doing!!! Stay tuned....

Monday, March 7, 2011

7 on the 7th: Meals I make

So a couple weeks ago my friend Amanda ( i cant figure out how to put the link in here) started the 7 on the 7th and I decided to jump on board with her great idea. This weeks is the top 7 go to meals we make often. So here no particular order...

1.) Chicken, Corn, Black Bean Quesadillas. So easy and soo yummy. Dice chicken and cook with a little seasoning of choice. I use Adobo seasoning. In a bowl mix 1 can corn, 1 can black beans (or cooked dried beans I sometimes make), chicken pieces and some more seasoning along with a little onion powder and garlic salt. I cook them on the stove top place a little butter on one side of a whole wheat tortilla place buttered side on pan, sprinkle some cheese...chicken mixture, more cheese and another buttered on one side tortilla (butter side out). Cook to light brown and then flip over (a plate makes it easy to flip it just turn it over on the plate and slide it off. SO YUMMY and you can always separate the ingredients for picky kids.

2) Arroz Con Pollo- Chicken and Rice. Take drumsticks cook them in some oil in a pot take them out and add rice, sofrito, seasoning etc. then add chicken back in. Sometimes I add pigeon peas. Its easy and everyone loves it. Especially Widmar.

3.) Spaghetti- I usually try to make my own, but sometimes i am in a hurry and use the jar kind of sauce. You can do so much with spaghetti, add turkey sausage, ground turkey some veggies, etc. (or other meat if you like) You can do chicken parmesean. Its an easy go to meal that never fails. I like penne plus pasta so that is usually what we use instead of spaghetti noodles.

4.) BBQ chicken sandwiches: Place chicken and BBQ sauce in crockpot and let it cook on low all day. Makes great pulled chicken. Not much work. :)

5.) Homemade Chicken nuggets and potato wedges: I try to dip them in some kind of veggie first like sweet potatos it helps add some more veggies to the meal. Then dip them in bread crumbs and bake. Just cut up the potatos spray a little olve oil on it and sprinkle with parmesean.

6.) Turkey Burgers: ground turkey breast, french fried onions, some cheese, pepper, salt, worcestire sauce all mixed together. A definite fave!

7.) Salad: we are always having salad. Once a week its our main meal with some grilled chicken. I cut up all my own veggies no bagged stuff. It's yummy healthy and a light break from the week. Widmar likes to eat salad too so it makes it easier. I could eat salad every night of the week if i had the choice.

Anything I can do in the crockpot always works too. I love having my meal done early to have the afternoon to play outside without the stress of making dinner.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Moving...Not so Moving

We are still moving! I on the otherhand I have taken a different approach in this move. As in, I am not so moving. :) Usually I stress about separating things and throwing out what I dont want etc. I have since learned that regardless of what I do my stuff will still be moved from this house to our new house and usually in whatever way the packers decide to do it. I will separate out what we need for our trip and leave the rest for them to pack. I will choose to continue to build relationships instead of stress about this. I think it is more important for me to be with my family and my friends right now then lock myself in my house to reorganize for them to throw it back in a box. If it needs to be thrown out I'm sure there is a trash can somewhere in NY I can use. I have some very dear friends here and I know that if I dont maxmize the time I have with them now it will be taken away from me very soon. I don't want to regret not spending time with them. Most importantly I have a wonderful family that will be missing a very special daddy when we move. It is more important to maximize out time together as a family now while he is home. With Widmar training for Best Rangers and for the upcoming deployment our family time is already cut short. I will maximize the time we do have. This will most definitely minimize stress and maximize the joy! I already feel free of this burden and am rejoicing that i realized this early on. For now I am enjoying my days with my children, my wonderful husband, and my very dearest friends!

With that being said I have about 7 weeks to enjoy here in the South! I will definitely be doing that! God has brought us some beautiful weather and has given us some great opportunties! I am feeling truly blessed these days!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mediterranean Roast Turkey

This is the second time I have made this and I can't even describe in words how awesome it smells. It's super easy and VERY yummy! :)

2 cups chopped onion (1 large)
1/2 cup pitted kalamata olives
1/2 cup julienne-cut drained oil packed tomato halves
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoons bottled minced garlic
1 tsp greek seasoning (i used mediterranean)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 (4 pound) boneless turkey breast, trimmed
1/2 cup fat free, less sodium chicken broth
2 Tablespoons Flour

Combine first 9 ingredients in slow cooker. Add 1/4 cup of chicken broth. Cover and cook on low for 7 hours.

Combine remaining 1/4 cup of broth and flour in small bowl; stir with whisk until smooth. Add broth mixture to slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for 30minutes. Cut turkey into slices.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


For lack of better words I think cancer sucks! It is so incredibly ugly and attacks innocent people. Some cancers are preventable and there are things you can do to help yourself be less likely to get cancer. BUT healthy people get cancer and I dont understand it. I feel like it is the one thing that I am constantly questioning God about. Why cancer? Why such an ugly thing that eats at ones body and zaps them of energy, hope, and happiness sometimes? I dont understand why God allows some people to get cancer.

My mom had cancer. She is the strongest woman I know. We are blessed that she had the strength to fight it and that God kept her here on this earth with us, but I remember thinking why my mom? Noone deserves to have cancer.

Our dear family friend Danielle has cancer. She is BEAUTIFUL! I remember growing up and wanting to look just like her ( I still want to look just like her) She has been fighting it for years now and its taken over her entire body. She's a fighter! But why her?

Three of my grandparents died of cancer. Although part of this cancer could have been avoided. It is still ugly and heart breaking.

Growing up we had dear family friends and their 5 year old boy who was on my dad's t-ball team died of Leukemia. Why?

Monday our fitness instructor announced she has cancer. She's probably one of the healthiest people I know. She has other health issues going on, a bad back, etc. Why cancer with it?

It's heart breaking to me. It rips at my soul to hear of people I love having to suffer so much. I have seen good things come from cancer. I have rejoiced at the news that someone has beat cancer. My mom, the strongest lady I know. I don't think i would be the woman I am today if she wasn't in my life. I thank God daily for her and for giving her the strength to fight. She has been cancer free for over 15years now. I have seen good things come from people who die of cancer. I have seen people's lives change for the better and commit themselves to God because of it. I just dont understand why God allows some people to have to suffer so much with these horrible horrible illnesses.

There is so many scrtipture out there that gives hope and courage to cancer patients and their families. I often look to hese for comfort when one person I know is diagnosed with this ugly thing. I am sorry this is so sad and gloomy. It's been on my heart lately. God knows our every thought he knows every inch of our body from the hairs on our head to our tiny toes. We don't always know the reason behind His great and beautiful plan I just find myself praying for those that are sick lately. That they find hope and comfort in the Ultimate Provider. I pray that God gives them strength to face the challenges before them and courage to keep fighting. That's all I can do is pray and prayer is the most powerful thing of all.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Well another Valentines Day has come and passed. I will just start by saying that I typically think Valentines day is a little overrated. I made it clear that I didnt want to do anything for Valentines day because we already spent money on Brad Paisley tickets, etc etc.

In the midst of all of this I, with a good friend Tamika May, have been planning the Valentines Dinner for the PWOC and Crossroads Chapel, A BIG TASK, and I was stressed and nervous and everything else that comes with planning something big for special people. I REALLY wanted Widmar to go, but we didnt think it would be best for the boys since it went until 8:30 and the boys have a routine and on top of that he didnt want to watch me run around all night. I admit now I was upset, frustrated, etc that he didnt want to go with me to this thing that I had worked so hard on. But I knew his heart and that it probably was best for the boys not to be stuck in the tiny room they called child care.

So yesterday I decided to pick up something small for him to let him know that i was thinking about him a little card and Terminator 2 in Blu-ray. Surely it looks better in Blue-Ray right? I think my gift took him by surprise (seeing as though we weren't doing valentines day gifts this year like i said 500 times) because his reaction was not exactly what I expected. It came in the form of "you cheated we werent doing Valentines Day" and "I already have T2." So I sucked in my almost tears and got ready for my dinner.

I went to the dinner and it was great. The people had a great time and towards the end when kids were having to get picked up because they were getting cranky and it was getting late I was reminded why Widmar stayed home. I stopped at the shoppette on the way home BOUND AND DETERMINED to make this valentines day at least a little special and picked up a bottle of wine and ice cream. (the comedian said at dinner that you cant fight when you are eating ice cream together) I quickly go home because I just want to spend some time with Widmar and as I walk up to the door there is a dozen roses sitting on the doorstep. I immediately freeze in my steps and cry. (why i didnt keep walking up the steps, who knows) But I cried and i couldnt even open the door. Widmar opened the door and I was still crying (I will blame this crying on the very long exhausting past week/day) and he gave me the biggest hug ever and said very very sweet things. I then go to put the melting ice cream in the freezer and there is CHOCOLATES!!

Although it would have been nice to have Widmar at the dinner, I was reminded as I was sitting at the table that the love we have for each other and show each other goes far beyond this valentines Day and even if he misses next years valentines day we still have that love for each other. He shows me how much he loves me every single day of the year. He makes me laugh, he helps out around the house, he takes care of our boys, he fulfills his Godly role of man of the house. He is an amazing husband and I dont need chocolates or roses or Terminator 2 Blue Rays to show it or know it. God has given me my one and only true love on this earth and I am incredibly blessed to have him by my side every single day. Take away all the gifts and dinners and material things in this world and we are left with love. Love that Christ alone has given each of us that we in turn give to each other. It doesn't get any better than that.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday

Our sweet boys turned two!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Just a couple from Widmar and I...

Mom of the Year right here: I was tired, exhausted really, and I was suctioning Joshua's nose when he was a couple days old. I asked my dad why it wasnt working and that was when we realized I was blowing air in his nose instead of sunctioning out. OOPS :)

From Daddy: Jacob hugs Widmar neck and wont let go when he wants to be with Widmar longer. Melts his heart even if he is trying to procrastinate going down for bed. Who can lay him down when he does that.

When they wake up in the morning and say MAMA MAMA. Even if it is 5am and really really loud yelling it brings a huge smile to my face when they call for me in the morning.

From Daddy: When they give him kisses before he goes to work. If he forgets to kiss them they make the kissing noise to remind him.

When I come in the house from being gone for any ammount of time and they are so excited with HUGE smiles and come running for me. No love other than God's is greater than this.

From Daddy: Loves their giggles. They loving playing and having boy time with daddy and there are laughs had by all involved.

Jacob came over to the couch and put his hands together bowed his head and mumbled some form of sentence and then said amen. I dont know what he prayed, but I cried. (this just happened two days ago)

Laying on the floor sleeping in their bedroom for multiple nights when Widmar was gone because the boys wouldnt sleep. Wouldnt trade it for the world.

There's so many more... We are so incredibly blessed and have such great love in our hearts because of those two little boys.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Almost 2

In 3 days the boys will be 2 years old! 2 YEARS OLD!!! I can't believe it. I had to laugh yesterday when the Super bowl was on. I can remember 2 years ago when we decided it was a great idea to host a party at our house. I was VERY VERY pregnant, for anyone that remembers seeing me at this point knows I was GINORMOUS! I think the word THANKLES was used as in Thigh Ankles by the end of the night because I was so swollen. We looked at eachother yesterday and just can't believe its been 2 years. They are what brings me joy every day even on the tough days when I'm tired and exhausted and need a break, their smiles, hugs, giggles, kisses, bring me such incredible joy I can't even explain. I thank God every single day for giving me those two precious boys and for giving me the strength on the days when I dont think I have it in me.

More to come on the birthday boys. We dont even know what we are doing for them yet, I know its 2 days away. :) but we'll figure something out. We are enjoying our family time before our world gets a little rocked in a few months with a move and a daddy leaving for a year. Again I know God will give me the strength when I dont think I have anymore left.

2 years...I think I will try to write some favorite memories from the last two years in my next two posts. :) that means maybe 3 posts in a row...a record I think.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

When GOD Made You

I apparently needed to hear this today. I was reminded that when God Made Widmar he made him for me! And the other way around. What a great thought. He knew before He created me that there was already a little 5 mo out there that would grow into the man that was my husband. What a great song! I heard it on the way home this morning and cried. Here's the you tube video with the words.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


PWOC has been such a blessing to me this past year and I"m so excited for what the spring has to offer. As of today I have taken on the In-reach coordinator. some of you think i'm crazy because we are leaving in 3 months. But there is a need in pwoc for this position and my heart is 100% there. It was a hard decision because I love kids and I want to work with kids a lot. I would love to work in the youth group in all honesty and I thought that's where I was going to be, but it was laid on my heart to do this. My hope is that we can reach as many families within PWOC as possible. If I can just lay a path for those to follow that is my goal for the next 3 months. I'm excited and nervous and just hope that God will use me these next 3 months here.

in the mean time I will be getting a Character Makeover! :) That's the study I chose for the next 6 weeks. I'm looking forward to it and after today I think it's a wonderful group of ladies and I can't wait to get to know them more. Maybe I will walk out of there with a little more confidence and courage!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Toddler Bed and What to Eat

I think we are going to make the move to the toddler bed soon. There are two reasons...

1.) At some point in the next two years I would like them potty trained and I think they should be able to get out of the bed themselves during this process whether to come get me or to go to the bathroom

2.) Widmar will be leaving and I'm thinking that this has potential to be some sleepless nights so I'd rather him "suffer" with me until they get the hang of it instead of doing it on my own with both boys.

With that being said we will probably do this within the next couple months. Anyone have any tips on how to make this transition? Their cribs conver to toddlers beds which are day beds with a big rail on the side.

Here's another advice question...HOW DO YOU GET YOUR KIDS TO EAT? WE don't have eating issues, its not that they dont ever eat, but if its not a fruit its hard to get the boys to eat it. We are healthy eaters and I try not have the boys eat the same things we do. Sometimes it's not possible because it's too much or spicy, but for the most part I try to make one meal for all 4 of us. I also try not to give them something in place of what they eat if they choose not to eat it. (maybe this isn't right of me, but its a habit I try not to start now) There are times when I have caved, but they get fruit or veggies in place of whatever they aren't eating. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Give it Up

Yesterday at church the pastor talked a little about debt and how if we pay off debt we have the money to give to the things that really matter to us and back to charities, church etc. Not that we are over our heads in debt, but I walked out of church and Widmar and I had a great conversation on our way to Sams and continued on our way home.

I think sometimes (a lot of times) our money goes towards things we don't always need and that are not there to build us up. (I had to fight to say that because starbucks does make me very happy). Let me tell you how many times we frequent starbucks...sometimes everyday sometimes 3-5 times a week, and yes sometimes even twice a day. I do love me some starbucks, but I just think our money could be spent elsewhere to the glory of God and in turn our family. So my goal is to have starbucks once a week. There are some stipulations to this...

1.) if I am asked to go to starbucks by my very dear girlfriend or in need of some girl time we have agreed that it is ok to go even if I might have had it that week already.

2.) If I do find myself at a starbucks drive thru and I have already been that week I will do a drive thru blessing and pay for whoever is behind us. That way we are passing on a blessing from God to someone else that might need it that day.

It became a habit, almost like the car automatically drove through the drive thru every time I was out. We passed starbucks yesterday and guess what? the car does go in the opposite direction from the starbucks. :)

There are a few other things that I can see us cutting back on and I know our efforts will be rewarded. I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Stay warm!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

What a great and refreshing Christmas vacation we just came back from! We traveled all the way to Texas to visit my parents (aka Mimi & Bumpa) and boy did we have a blast! We went to...

Sea World, the Riverwalk (and walked and walked and walked), the Brewery, good Mexican Restaurant, Starbucks X's everyday (my parents have an equal obsession), 2 pedicures, the park, baptism, etc. etc. We had loads of fun! Widmar and I even snuck in a date to the Melting Pot!

Now we are home and I think chaos is about to begin. I think I'll take the road back to Texas :) I don't really think I have an resolutions this year. I have some things that I would like to get better at like

writing Thank You cards in a timely manner
Working out 4-5 days a week minimum (still trying to lose like 5-10lbs from the boys)
Reading/Studying my Bible daily

Things like that, but those are things i"M always working on so I wouldnt really call them resolutions. I have been putting away Christmas decorations and I would be lying if I didnt tell you I was little sad. Next year at this time Widmar will be on his LONG vacation to the desert and won't be around for the holidays. I am not sure if I am looking forward to 2011. In all honesty it has a lot to live up to in 2010. There were some things in 2010 that I wished hadn't happened, but there was a lot that I was blessed with in 2010. God doesn't give us more than we can handle though and I know I will be blessed in 2011. I will just miss my other half.

In the meantime so begins the declutter, organizational nightmare to prepare for our move to NY. We have a lot to think about with this move. It is unlike our last couple moves in that the housing list is 3 miles long and Widmar is leaving within a few weeks/month of us being there. We have to decide if it is better to live off post and have the house settled before Widmar leaves or if we rent until we can live on post. It makes a difference in the packing. :)

All in all here are a few of the things i've been reflecting on from 2010 that I am so very thankful for and am truly blessed to have happened.

1.) THE BOYS TURNED 1!!! I wasn't sure we were going to make it to 1 :) JK! Noone dies from sleep deprivation (thank goodness) I was one tired Mama for the first 12-18 months of their lives, but their first birthday came and went and we are almost 2. They grow up too fast and we are loving every minute with them. They are what bring us Joy every single day

2.) The boys got tubes put in their ears. You might wonder why this is on my list of great things for 2010, but if you knew what we were going through the months prior to that and the hospital visits and ER trips you will understand that between the tubes and us moving houses everyone has been healthy since. (PRAISE GOD)

3.) Jamie and Matt got married!!!! It was wonderful and I was so excited for them. God had His hand in this whole thing. My grandmother was able to make it to the wedding and looking back now that is the biggest blessing. She was able to meet Matt and see Jamie get married and she was also able to meet her grandbabies. Although my Grandmother passed away this past year (the part I wish didn't happen in 2010), I am so incredibly happy that she was able to meet the boys. We miss her a lot, but know her and grandpa are having a blast up there together.

4.) Widmar was home more this past year than he has ever been. (weird because he spent a lot of time away)! :) But it was great having him home for weeks sometimes months at a time. He has built such a great relationship with the boys and he is an AMAZING father.

5.) We were able to visit family in Texas a lot this year. Something I have taken for granted over the last couple of years because we have always lived within driving distance. Looking in to 2011 I am not sure we will be taking too many car trips with just me and the boys to Texas. We have plans though already for the parents to make it up our way.

6.) PWOC! This is a big one for me. For I have met so many wonderful ladies that have done nothing but build me up in my relationship with God. I have grown in my faith and have just really enjoyed the Thursday morning study and fellowship.

7.) Thirty-One. This company is especially wonderful to work for. I enjoy meeting new women and sharing a little of God's love with them. The products are great and the extra money has been nice too.

I know there is more, but this is too long already! I was catching up! I'm hoping to post some pictures tomorrow!