Thursday, September 30, 2010

Give it up bible study is Becoming a vessel God can use. This week through the bible study we have been reading and discerning the idea that we must give up past accomplishments, past fears and failures, and the future. I am not going to lie giving up my future to the Almighty is difficult for me. Which sounds funny because He is the Almighty. However in the study it discusses giving it up and not be disappointed when what you planned does not necassarily happen. Oh man I was convicted. There are a few things that I would like for my future. Whether or not God and I are on the same page well...time will tell. I genuinely believe that God has called me to teach children one day. someone today mentioned that maybe I will be called to teach my own children and home school. Although the thought of that sounds great I'm not sure how I feel about it. Trust me, I've thought about it, pondered it, prayed about it. But my desires are to teach in a classroom full of children lots of them, not just my own. If I am not alloted that opportunity I would be lying if I said I wasnt going to be disappointed. Most people in class talked about how giving up the past was much harder than giving up the future. I felt like I was the only one to disagree. For me, it already happened. It's done. If its a matter of forgiveness it was between me and God. It's not necassarily between me and someone else. (dont get me wrong sometimes we are called to confront those that we have to forgive or ask forgiveness from) but it is first and foremost between me and God. That is easier for me than the future. There are things I want, for my family, for our life. I am just praying that God will shine some light on this and guide me in the right direction.

This is probably much deeper than most of you came to read, but its on my mind, in my prayers and thoughts. It's hard. We work hard by the glory of God to accomplish the things we do. I am loving the bible study and the relationships that are being built in the class with new and old friends.

Sidenote: boys have not been biting in daycare at all. We have a nice long talk all the way to church about being nice and not biting and sharing with our friends. So far the long talk has worked last 3 weeks I have got a "they were perfect and so fun". Which is usually cuppled with the "how do you do this by yourself because they are the most active kids we have ever seen" I just laugh because in all honesty I just do it. Some days I'm better at it than others. :)

Happy Friday everyone!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Losing it

I am pretty sure I'm losing my mind. So I had to run to one of the neighborhood offices to reserve it for an FRG function. I had to put the boys in the stroller and go inside because I knew I had to fill out paperwork. So I go in, do my thing, and come out, put the boys in the car, drive off, go to burger king, go to commissary, get out of car, get stroller out....WAIT NO STROLLER! Yes remember I said I had to take boys in stroller to the office. Yep thats right I left the stroller on the curb. I drive all the way back and boys fall asleep in the car which I didnt want to happen. The ladies were cracking up and had pulled the stroller inside. They called it "twin brain" I'll call it losing my mind. :)

A hopefully happy sidenote...I may have just sold our tv on craigslist. Craiglist sketches me out majorly so we will see what comes of this whole thing. Problem with selling a tv...people want to see it to make sure it works. Well I dont want them in my home (is that wrong of me?) I should just offer a money back guarantee if it doesnt work. Will update with the progress of this tv selling business!

Happy Monday!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Little Things

In the midst of the chaos of life I am often forgetful of how truly blessed I am with a wonderful life and and family. Thank God for the little things that are a constant reminder. Here are some of the little things...

*At meal time we say a prayer. (Usually daddy), but guess who has joined got it..Joshua & Jacob. We are working on getting a video of this. The first time it happened I think Widmar and I had small tears, mine were bigger than his. :) In went something like this...The boys held out their hands for us to hold it and put their heads down and started "talking" and Joshua always says "tanks meal" . Daddy says "Thank you for this meal" . They have started sitting at the table and waiting to grab our hands so they can take part in the prayer, usually praying right alongside daddy. Melts my heart everytime.

*Tunnel time: Mimi & Bumpa so graciously bought the boys a tent and tunnel for their first birthday. Up until now its been an accessory in our house that gets used every now and then. But lately it's been the big hit. The boys will open it half ways it's in a half circle and one will lay in one end and one will lay in the other and they will talk.

*Bedtime kisses: The boys think its HYSTERICAL to "kiss" each other goodnight. This so called kissing is more or less Widmar or I letting one dive into the bed of the other. A kiss doesnt actually happen, but a whole lot of giggling does.

*Story time: The boys will sit behind the big couch and sometimes "mama no" is said sometimes not. But they will pull out all their books and read to each other. Pointing at pictures and animals and showing each other. I love watching this happen even if Im not invited all the time.

There's many more, but we'll stop there for now. Goal: get better at this blogging thing. Still working on it!

Friday, September 3, 2010

I need to get better at this

Hello world!! :) Well things have been moving right along here at the good ole Roman household. I am excited to say that I have branched out to get some mommy time in the last 2 weeks and so far it's been going "ok". The first time I left them at TOT town (the little daycare on post) I went to starbucks and the ladies who are used to seeing me with the boys could tell I was ready to pick them up. But I enjoyed the mommy time with Tara and talked in peace for once ever really. And then I have also landed myself at PWOC this year. For those of you non-military folks. That's protestant Women of the Chapel. It's been a huge blessing. I am LOVING it and truly feel like God is preparing me for some big things in life. We shall see. The Bible Study I chose is Becoming A Vessel God Can Use. I highly reccomend it to anyone interested. I'm only on week one but its been great so far. :)

The boys...THEY ARE CRAZY hence the "ok" up there when I talk about mommy time. Never in a million years would I think that my kids would bite other children, but oh yes we do. :( We have tried EVERYTHING and nothing works. We are reassured by the pediatrician and everyone else that it is normal but I don't like it one bit. I have cried some tears over this. Joshua has bit in the nursery three times. TWICE IN ONE DAY!!! Then Jacob who hasn't bit in over 2 months bit a dear dear friend of ours little boy and I was mortified. I shed some tears last night about it and I'm hoping this phase in life goes quickly because typical my patience is pretty good...not so good with the biting. :( Other than that they are doing GREAT! They are playing a lot more together and talking up a storm. All kinds of phrases and words come out. They are very smart if I dont say so myself, sometimes too smart I think. They are learning more signs too and it's been so fun to watch them pick them up so fast.

Widmar...well he's still in the same job for now and busy as ever. He will be changing jobs soon though and we are looking forward to the family time that comes with his new course he will be in. He is training for a 50 mile race that is coming up very soon so he's been running his heart out for the last couple of months. I'm super proud of him and will keep you posted on this insanity he chooses to partake in.

Sunday we are doing a triathlon with some wonderful friends. We are all on teams and it will just be a really great time I think. We are enjoying the 4 day weekend! Starting next Friday we will have Amy and Rob around and it will be great for them to spend some time with the boys before they head off to their new post. AND we are so thankful they agreed to babysit for us on Friday night so we could enjoy our time at the batallion ball. We are looking forward to the night out together! Thank you Amy & Rob!

As for now we should all be in bed early wake ups in the next couple of days, helping wonderful friends move and taking part in the triathlon. Widmar i swimming and I am biking and we are on two different teams! Go TEAM ROMANENDEZ and STRUTTING PEACOCKS! And METAMUCIL and TEAM TARA :) Should be fun