Friday, September 3, 2010

I need to get better at this

Hello world!! :) Well things have been moving right along here at the good ole Roman household. I am excited to say that I have branched out to get some mommy time in the last 2 weeks and so far it's been going "ok". The first time I left them at TOT town (the little daycare on post) I went to starbucks and the ladies who are used to seeing me with the boys could tell I was ready to pick them up. But I enjoyed the mommy time with Tara and talked in peace for once ever really. And then I have also landed myself at PWOC this year. For those of you non-military folks. That's protestant Women of the Chapel. It's been a huge blessing. I am LOVING it and truly feel like God is preparing me for some big things in life. We shall see. The Bible Study I chose is Becoming A Vessel God Can Use. I highly reccomend it to anyone interested. I'm only on week one but its been great so far. :)

The boys...THEY ARE CRAZY hence the "ok" up there when I talk about mommy time. Never in a million years would I think that my kids would bite other children, but oh yes we do. :( We have tried EVERYTHING and nothing works. We are reassured by the pediatrician and everyone else that it is normal but I don't like it one bit. I have cried some tears over this. Joshua has bit in the nursery three times. TWICE IN ONE DAY!!! Then Jacob who hasn't bit in over 2 months bit a dear dear friend of ours little boy and I was mortified. I shed some tears last night about it and I'm hoping this phase in life goes quickly because typical my patience is pretty good...not so good with the biting. :( Other than that they are doing GREAT! They are playing a lot more together and talking up a storm. All kinds of phrases and words come out. They are very smart if I dont say so myself, sometimes too smart I think. They are learning more signs too and it's been so fun to watch them pick them up so fast.

Widmar...well he's still in the same job for now and busy as ever. He will be changing jobs soon though and we are looking forward to the family time that comes with his new course he will be in. He is training for a 50 mile race that is coming up very soon so he's been running his heart out for the last couple of months. I'm super proud of him and will keep you posted on this insanity he chooses to partake in.

Sunday we are doing a triathlon with some wonderful friends. We are all on teams and it will just be a really great time I think. We are enjoying the 4 day weekend! Starting next Friday we will have Amy and Rob around and it will be great for them to spend some time with the boys before they head off to their new post. AND we are so thankful they agreed to babysit for us on Friday night so we could enjoy our time at the batallion ball. We are looking forward to the night out together! Thank you Amy & Rob!

As for now we should all be in bed early wake ups in the next couple of days, helping wonderful friends move and taking part in the triathlon. Widmar i swimming and I am biking and we are on two different teams! Go TEAM ROMANENDEZ and STRUTTING PEACOCKS! And METAMUCIL and TEAM TARA :) Should be fun


  1. Stellar catch-up! I agree. God is preparing you for something BIG. I hope I get to be around to witness it.

    Sunday is going to be tons of fun!!!

  2. awesome Jana! the team names cracked me up. the biting will be done soon. ;o) i'm so excited to babysit i can't even STAND it!!! this is gonna be a great memory making time. i am excited to spend more time with you and maybe even get some crafts and organizing done. hmmm? how's that sound?
