Friday, September 24, 2010

The Little Things

In the midst of the chaos of life I am often forgetful of how truly blessed I am with a wonderful life and and family. Thank God for the little things that are a constant reminder. Here are some of the little things...

*At meal time we say a prayer. (Usually daddy), but guess who has joined got it..Joshua & Jacob. We are working on getting a video of this. The first time it happened I think Widmar and I had small tears, mine were bigger than his. :) In went something like this...The boys held out their hands for us to hold it and put their heads down and started "talking" and Joshua always says "tanks meal" . Daddy says "Thank you for this meal" . They have started sitting at the table and waiting to grab our hands so they can take part in the prayer, usually praying right alongside daddy. Melts my heart everytime.

*Tunnel time: Mimi & Bumpa so graciously bought the boys a tent and tunnel for their first birthday. Up until now its been an accessory in our house that gets used every now and then. But lately it's been the big hit. The boys will open it half ways it's in a half circle and one will lay in one end and one will lay in the other and they will talk.

*Bedtime kisses: The boys think its HYSTERICAL to "kiss" each other goodnight. This so called kissing is more or less Widmar or I letting one dive into the bed of the other. A kiss doesnt actually happen, but a whole lot of giggling does.

*Story time: The boys will sit behind the big couch and sometimes "mama no" is said sometimes not. But they will pull out all their books and read to each other. Pointing at pictures and animals and showing each other. I love watching this happen even if Im not invited all the time.

There's many more, but we'll stop there for now. Goal: get better at this blogging thing. Still working on it!


  1. You'll never regret blogging about the little things!

  2. you should just put video cameras all over your house and document it.

  3. Jamie has a great idea. I vote for close circuit cameras in all the Roman house rooms.

    Umm..scratch that. Just put them in the non-marital bed/non-potty rooms. No one wants to see that.
