I am pretty sure I'm losing my mind. So I had to run to one of the neighborhood offices to reserve it for an FRG function. I had to put the boys in the stroller and go inside because I knew I had to fill out paperwork. So I go in, do my thing, and come out, put the boys in the car, drive off, go to burger king, go to commissary, get out of car, get stroller out....WAIT NO STROLLER! Yes remember I said I had to take boys in stroller to the office. Yep thats right I left the stroller on the curb. I drive all the way back and boys fall asleep in the car which I didnt want to happen. The ladies were cracking up and had pulled the stroller inside. They called it "twin brain" I'll call it losing my mind. :)
A hopefully happy sidenote...I may have just sold our tv on craigslist. Craiglist sketches me out majorly so we will see what comes of this whole thing. Problem with selling a tv...people want to see it to make sure it works. Well I dont want them in my home (is that wrong of me?) I should just offer a money back guarantee if it doesnt work. Will update with the progress of this tv selling business!
Happy Monday!
Ha ha! At least you didn't leave the boys IN the stroller...I've heard of a mom or two who's done that before.