I just wanted to share a story with you today...
I was having an off day. We went to church and then headed out to Lowes to run some errands (get a grill cover before it snows). I was feeling kind of blah and decided i didnt want to deal with lowes and the boys and all of that so I went to turn around and go home. I ALWAYS stop at starbucks. I actually think my car automatically goes there if I am out in that direction. Today I was having an internal battle about going. I didnt really NEED it and we are trying to save money. God told me to bless someone with it. I have done this before usually on Fridays which was started in Georgia by some radio station. So off I went to the starbucks drive thru and paid for the girl behind me. I didnt stick around I drove off after paying. When I got home I had an email in my inbox from a girl who saw my Thirty-One sticker on the back of the van (which sometimes I forget is even there) and looked up my information. Her dad died of cancer a year ago today. She was having an awful day and her heart was hurting. She thanked me for the small amount of Joy she had in the day.
So maybe next time you are sitting in the starbucks (insert random drive thru place here) and you have the means to do so bless the person behind you. Maybe make Fridays drive thru Blessing Fridays for you and your family. You never know what that person behind you is going through or what kind of day they are having.
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