Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So yesterday we went to McDonalds (healthy I know) But the play group we are apart of here met up there and we went. The boys were great sat and ate all their food and played. UNTIL we had to leave. Joshua was ready to go, Jacob...not so much. I had to climb into the playplace and drag him...yes you read that right, DRAG him out of the playhouse. Then carry him kicking and screaming through the mcdonalds (because its unsafe to put a door in the playplace). Needless to say I was feeling as though I had failed as a parent at that moment. I was dreading that evening because we had a "kid friendly" FRG meeting that we had to go to. The boys napped for 45 min and I was SURE it was going to be a nightmare. But off we went packed with magnadoodles and popcorn. The boys were PERFECT. I don't have perfect kids, and i am far from a perfect parent, but for those 2 hours they really were perfect. In their stroller the whole time with no crying, no fussing, no trying to get out. People around were amazed at their ability to behave. I wanted to tell them that not 6 hours ago it did not look this pleasant. I was so proud of them as we were walking out of there. Mainly because kids were running everywhere, which was perfectly fine, but mine sat and chatted with me and whoever else managed to land at our little table. It was great. I got them home and in bed and I was at a loss for words at how our day went. I was mortified when we left mcdonalds yet beeming when I left the FRG meeting.
I am reminded today of how much God loves us even when He has to drag us kcking and screaming through things when we dont want to do and how proud of us He must be when we give him the glory and act in obedience to Him. How great it is to be a parent and get to beam with joy for our children, it far outweighs the negative times.
Today and everyday when maybe the kids arent acting just how YOU think they should act. Look for the good. Praise the good. And LOVE like He loves us when we are kicking and screaming.


  1. Totally agree. Wyatt is the same way. I had to drag him out of Life Way Christian store today. Of course, people staring. But he is perfect other times. Can't wait to see you and the boys.

  2. Jana I love this post! "look for the good. praise the good." excellent reminders!
