Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Take on Halloween

So this post may upset some of my Christian friends and family, but this is a place for me to openly share what I think. I will however accept comments and criticism if you want to share it If you are easily offended I would turn away now.

There is a lot of chastising going on regarding Halloween. I do agree it did start out as a Pagan celebration revolving around evil, however I don't believe that is the case today. Although some may still do this, I have yet to meet any of these said "Satan worshippers who only come out on this one day" As a responsible parent I will

1. make sure I explain to my children that halloween is a fun time to be with family and friends and get candy...nothing more nothing less. Its a time to use your imagination be a doctor for a day, be a firefighter, be a monkey. :) If it is a big concern for you then why don't you take the opportunity to hand out candy that you have wrapped with a bible verse, or pencils with something professing Christ's love. God didn't steer clear of sinners he faced them head on. He showed them love not hatred. He didn't bad mouth them. He showed them love sometimes tough love, but still love. He immersed himself with them so that He could love them. (just a sidenote I'm not saying people that participate in halloween are sinners, some people do think this)

2. This is a preference of mine but I will not allow my children to wear "scary' costumes. I want it to be fun and creative.

Along with all of this i typically find alternative things to do for this "holiday" such as go to the Boo at the Zoo or maybe a church fall festival. Safe alternatives for younger children. We will continue before and after to discuss with our children about God and His love for us and how He is the only God.

I have a hard time understanding why we can wake up on November 1 and put a costume on and run around the house or maybe go to the store (you know those kids...the ones that wont take their costumes off for days/weeks) You might call this dress up? Me too! Halloween is no different than any other day. We just get a little extra candy, which by the way gets donated to some wonderful organization or soldiers deployed overseas. I love watching my boys with their monkey costumes on thinking they can swing from trees and pretending, what a wonderful sense of imagination in their little two year old selves. I jump all around with them and we pretend to eat lots of bananas. (what wonderful family fun)

We have had lots of wonderful family time, painting pumpkins, carving pumpkins, going to the cider mill, playing at the zoo in our monkey costumes, participating in the parade at preschool in our monkey costumes. On top of that can you imagine that if it was in fact a day to worship satan which i don't think it is. Maybe it once WAS, but the operative word is WAS. Can you imagine how mad Satan is when there are Christians loving on others on this day and having fun and smiling and proclaiming His love to other people. So here lets do this, lets make Satan mad tomorrow. Share a blessing with people tomorrow when those cute little furry kids come running to your door. Make Satan mad :)


  1. Jana, here's some great historical background to share with people. Halloween actually means "All Saints Eve." It was started by Pope Gregory (I need to get the date). Pope Gregory was famous for his edict that stated to Christians that the way to combat pagan holidays and pagan symbols was to make them Christian and attribute God's glory to them! So, he declared November 1 All Saints Day. Halloween does mark the day of a pagan druid holiday. But Halloween itself actually has Christian roots. Also, trick or treating in this country was started in the 1930s by The Boy Scouts to help give kids something fun to do and stop the vandalism that went on. Halloween is not one of my personal favorite holidays, and I don't like the gory or evil costumes. In some parts of the country, where Satanism is strong, I think people should be wise about how they participate and places they go, where evil could definitely be., Christians need to get their facts straight. And I also think in the Army community, Halloween is an opportunity to socialize and share the love of Christ. Sorry this is so long. lol

  2. Jana, this is so right and so wonderfully written! His love is evident in you through your pure heart! Love it.

  3. Nicely said. We especially like to celebrate when we live on post! It's an other wonderful opportunity to connect with neighbors, reaching out to those you wouldn't normally meet. Handing them candy in the process.
    We tried to be "not scary" for years but as my kids are becoming teens we've compromised with, not scary enough to scary the little ones. However it's been a great way to have a dialouge with my kids about Satan vs. Jesus. so...
    Happy Halloween.
