Thursday, April 7, 2011

When I Grow Up

It's the 7 on the 7th topic for this month...TOp 7 things i want to be when I grow up (starting as a child). I say starting as a child because as a child I can remember only wanting to be 3 things. Since I think i'd like to add some more to the list. 1.) A Teacher: I have always always always wanted to teach. More specifically I would like to be a special education teacher. I still want to do this. I went to school for what felt like a long time and I would love to go back for my masters soon. I know that I will be back in the classroom one day. 2.) A Mommy: This is why #1 is not happening at the moment. I wouldnt trade it for the world though. I have two wonderful little boys and we hope to have more in the near future. I couldnt be more blessed with this "job" and I am amazed at what it teaches me every single day. 3.) A Doctor: I can remember in 6th or 7th grade saying I wanted to be a doctor. I think it was because the boy I liked wanted to be a doctor. But after thinking about it I could never be a doctor. 1. I am far too emotional and 2. I'm not loving how much schooling/training they do. 4.) Successful Business Owner: If you would have asked me about this a year ago I would have never brought it up. However, since I have been with Thirty-One and had my own business I LOVE it. And sucess to me in this case is not defined by how many people on my team or how much money I make a month. It's on meeting women and sharing my faith all while showing some really great products. I'm no evangelist I am not good at approaching and unless I very clearly heard God calling my name to go stand on a street corner to proclaim his word you wont see me there. That is so far outside my comfort zone. However get a group of women together and throw some purses out there and I can tell you what God's doing in my life and what he can do in yours. 5.) Also in the mommy category: we would love to adopt one day. (i dont have a label for this) This is something I have always wanted to do and was even brought up in conversation before Widmar and I ever got married. 6.) I want to be Patch Adams: After seeing that movie I would love that job. I would be very emotional at the loss of someone, BUT I would love to make them smile. Spend time with them, make their dreams come true. Put funny masks on or clown noses and bed pans on your head and run around with kids. 7.) Own my own Christian camp: I would love for it to be handicap accessible for all disabilities. After working at camp for so many years this is something I wanted to do for a long time. I dont know if it is God's plan for Widmar and I to own our own camp, but it does sound like fun to me. For now I will enjoy being a mommy and maybe I will be able to start my masters so that when the kids are all in school I can go back and teach. I wouldnt trade what I'm doing right now for anything.


  1. I love #6. Patch Adams was such a great movie and if I remember correctly, wasn't it based off a true story? How neat would it be to just be able to go in an make kids smile, make their days brighter. Very special and rewarding.

  2. Your dreams show what a loving heart you have. All of them are about helping other people. :)
