Sunday, November 7, 2010


new phase in the Roman house! Mommy is off limits to anyone and everyone including daddy and whichever boy is not in my lap. I realize this is a normal part of development but oh man it has caused some drama, especially today. For instance, we were sitting on the couch and Joshua (who is the main culprit in the tantrum like behavior if someone even touches me) was on my lap and Widmar held my hand. You would have thought his world was ending. He screamed, yelled no, told me to sit at the other side of the couch. It was CRAZY. He cried and cried and cried. So after an entire afternoon of this and trying to get him to understand that he has a brother and a daddy that needs loving too I took him and sat in the recliner just the two of us and he calmed down. Anyone have any advice on this subject matter? I know it's normal, but anything I can do to maybe divert the tantrums when Jacob wants to sit on my lap. Reminder they are 21 months old and don't really understand the whole it's not your turn thing just yet. Again, I know this is all normal especially for little boys attachment to their mommys. I was just wondering if anyone had some insight into making this a more smooth transition/phase. :) My heart was breaking because his feelings were really hurt by Widmar holding my hand and he was awfully territorial. Obviously Widmar gets it, but Jacob does not and needs attention too.

On a different note...Dad was here this weekend and we had a blast with him. We are so excited to get home to Texas to be with everyone!!!! I hope everyone has a great week and for those of you with long weekends ENJOY!!

1 comment:

  1. awwwww. they need a diversion..... haha. i know they will get it in time. but i know how they feel too. i get attached too. haha. love you and miss you.
